Our Care Ministries offer physical and spiritual assistance to those in need, through prayer and active support. These Care Ministries are dedicated to people dealing with situations such as hospitalization, death of a loved one, family crises, to name a few, and provide fellowship and love to those in need.


This is a reminder that our Care Partner Support Group will meet on Wed, March 5th, at 1 pm. If you are new to this Support Group, it is necessary to register for the group. This is the link to register or you can call the Alzheimer's Association at 800-272-3900. We will meet in the AER-across from the Sanctuary. This is for active family caregivers. If you have questions, please email the church office.

Care Coordinator
Share with God's people who are in need...Romans 12:13

The goal of the Community Care Coordintor is to work with Pastor Rod to provide spiritual, supportive and confidential visits and/or phone calls to members of Joy Lutheran Church who may be home centered, hospitalized, in care facilities, or in need of personal contact.  Our purpose is to share Christ’s love and compassion by offering confidential support, listening,  prayer, communion, and by bringing news from the congregation.

If you would like a visit, please contact us.

Contact Care Coordinator Resources
Sharing the Journey - Care Partner Support Group

Care Partner Support Group meets the first Wednesday of each month at 1 pm in the Sanctuary. This is for active family caregivers. This vital group is now open to the public that is a result of our Community Partnership with the Alzheimer’s Association.

If you are new, it is necessary to register for the class through the Alzheimer’s Association. Please register by calling the Alzheimer’s Association at 800-272-3900, or by following these steps online:

  • http://alz.org/crf
  • Click on Alzheimer's Support Groups
  • Enter Parker, CO
  • Page through the event listings until you find Joy Lutheran Church, (first Wednesday of the month at 1 pm)
  • It is listed as: Denver Metro Area IN PERSON Caregiver Support Group (Parker)

If you are interested or have questions, please contact our Care Coordinator (Lois) HERE

Graceful Aging

There are many changes we experience as we age and there are common fears individuals have as they age. To facilitate healthy aging, a Graceful Aging Group has been formed that includes support groups and educational classes on aging.  

The “Graceful Aging” group meets about every other month, typically on the 3rd Sunday afternoon of the month, at 1:00 pm.