Children’s ministry at Joy happens more than just on Sundays. There is also Joyful Mission Preschool, Bible Camp, Musicals and special events too. 

JOY's First Communion

JOY's First Communion classes are held in the spring and fall. This class is for any of our young JOY kids who feel curious or who recognize they are missing out on something special during worship. All ages are welcome to join us for this awesome Saturday class. For every child signed up, please plan on an adult who loves them to attend along side. A light breakfast will be provided so please sign up using the link HERE.  Contact Pastor Ryan or Pastor Rod with any questions. 

Sunday School

Sunday school at Joy Lutheran is all about building your relationship with God while making new friends! We come together on Sundays from 9:30-10:15am. We always have room for kiddos in grades preschool-fifth grade. By using Sparks curriculum we’re able to focus on one Bible story every month and apply that story through science, art, games and videos! By the end of each month your child will not only have a deeper understanding of the Bible story through everyday application but also new friends to share the love! Come join us on Sundays and see how Joy’s Sunday school can change how we love God one story at a time! If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Sunday School Director at:


Beginning September 29, 2024

This super special Sunday School class is designed for our tiniest humans (and their grownups)! 

If you have a child or grandchild aged 0 - 3 years, join us THIS SUNDAY in the Joyful Mission Preschool area on the lower level. Signs will be posted to help direct you. 

TenderTots will continue to meet each 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month with learning for the Tots, fellowship for the grownups, and the presence of Christ for all. 

 Contact Pastor Ryan with any questions. 

Joyful Mission Preschool

JMP balances child initiated, teacher directed, and developmentally appropriate educational activities. One of our goals is to instill in our preschoolers, a lifelong love for learning. Teachers help each child discover a fascinating world of learning and play. We are proud to say that we’ve served the Parker community since 1979. 

Learn More About JMP