As a community service project in honor of the 50th anniversary of Joy Lutheran Church the anniversary planning committee would like to challenge everyone to bring at least one bag of groceries for Parker Task Force on September 10th or 11th (There will be no first-weekend-of-the-month collection on September 3 and 4). You may find the list of most-needed items HERE. The Parker Task Force was started 35 years ago by four local women representing four churches: Ave Maria Catholic Church, Joy Lutheran Church, Parker United Methodist Church, and St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church. PTF is community-based and 100% volunteer staffed. Its goal is to prevent homelessness. In the past year, there has been a forty-eight percent increase in NEW families requesting assistance. Let’s FILL VERN'S TRUCK on September 10th & 11th, help our neighbors in need, and spread some joy!