Sunday Morning Adult Education
Sundays at 9:30AM

Sunday morning adult education will begin at 9:30a on September 22nd. We'll kick-off with several videos about the New Testament. We'll then follow with a series entitled "Christ through Constantine" addressing how Christianity became the official religion of Rome in the 300's (AD). We'll meet in the newly remodeled Adult Ed Room (AER) with a giant new smart board. All are welcome. Just grab a coffee in the fellowship hall and drop on in.

Women's Bible Study
Meet Wednesdays 9:30AM

Women's Bible study will meet at 9:30AM in the AER. 

View Past Study Videos
Men's Prayer Breakfast

The men's 6:30a prayer breakfast meets at the Egg and U restaurant on Mainstreet in Parker. The group gathers in the back meeting room the first and third Wednesday of every month, and all men are welcome.

Wednesday Evening Men's Study

Men's Bible study takes place at 6:30PM in the AER.