- Welcome and pass out bulletins or other handouts to church worship attendees
- Assist those needing extra help
- Take up the offering and direct all participating in communion
- After service, count cash and coins with necessary documentation and signatures and place funds in safe
- Make sanctuary is orderly
- Assist other staff as needed
- Member of Joy Lutheran Church
- Positive and supportive attitude
- Familiar with the order of service
- Welcoming, organized, patient and responsible
- Enjoys working with and meeting others
- Ushers will receive one hour training.
- Ushers are to arrive 30 minutes prior to church service.
- The schedule is set every four months and any conflicts should be made known prior to scheduling.
- Volunteers are scheduled 2-3 times in that 4 month period.
- If a volunteer is unable to fulfill an assignment, they must make arrangements for their own substitute.
- Volunteers are kept on the list of ushering for as long as they desire.
- There no meetings.
- All communication is via email.