
Share your experience with us at office@joylc.org. Choose to share just text, or add pictures and videos for a richer experience. You can let us know in the email if you'd like your name mentioned or prefer to remain anonymous.
“Share a handwritten note or card with a first responder”

Have you ever felt the Holy Spirit nudging you to do something that seemed so simple, yet left a big impact? That’s exactly

what happened to our family when we pulled a challenge card that said, “Share a handwritten note or card with a first responder.”

Click here to read more. 

“Be Silent for 5 Minutes”

At first, I thought this was not a challenge for me, until I thought about it and reflected on the meaning - the "why."

Most mornings, I pray and read the Bible and my morning devotions. While I strive to "Be still, and know that I am God!" For me, it is challenging to be really STILL and truly LISTEN to God and not do all the "talking."

Click here to read more.

“Send an encouraging text to someone”

My randomly drawn card for this week is, “Send an encouraging text to someone.” That made me smile. You see, since the autumn of 2020, I have been sending text messages to seven people every morning. I’ve not missed a day.  My contingency of people includes: one homeless woman, a middle-aged man going through a horrific divorce, a young woman who desperately wants a child but can’t conceive, a mother who tragically lost her adult son in an untimely, unexpected death...

Click here to read more.