
Share your experience with us at office@joylc.org. Choose to share just text, or add pictures and videos for a richer experience. You can let us know in the email if you'd like your name mentioned or prefer to remain anonymous.
“Share A Handwritten Note To A First Responder”

We the Steinhauser Family continue to meet Challenges set forth within the awesome deck of cards you created. Click here to read more. 

“Read A Daily Devotional Each Day This Week”

Through the years, I’ve had the opportunity to associate with a few prominent Christian writers. Click here to read more. 

“Make A Gifts For Someone”

Every January, you will find me cloistered in my sewing room or at my craft table making handmade gifts to be given to people throughout the coming year. Click here to read more. 

“Leave positive notes that are uplifting in public places”

When I was in the workforce, I had a small display stand on my desk where I posted a daily thought. Click here to read more. 

“Sharing A Gift With Someone”

I love to bake. I was challenged with sharing a gift with someone. Click here to read more. 

“Bake Something For Neighbors Or Friends”

The Greenery, an airy restaurant in Ogden, UT has wonderful food. A favorite item on the menu is Mormon Muffins. Click here to read more. 

“Share With God What You Are Most Grateful For”

In his book, Soul Keeping, John Ortberg, talks about how important it is for the soul to offer gratitude to the Lord. Click here to read more. 

“Clean Up Your Community”

Isadora and her cousin Rowen were out for an hour, picking up Halloween candy wrappers and other trash. Click here to read more.

Our Thanksgiving “Spread the Love” Challenge

This Thanksgiving season, we decided to bring a little extra JOY to our church community with a challenge that reminded us of God’s love and how we can be His hands and feet. Click Here to read more. 

“Write a letter of gratitude”

Write a letter of gratitude. . . to a dear friend and retired Anglican Priest who serves at my sister's church.

Click here to

“Hold the door open”

I fully intended to do the challenge. However, the week had other plans. Instead, of holding doors open for others, we were blessed with doors being opened for us. Click here to read more.

Send a thank-you note. Write and send thank-you notes to people who have positively impacted your life.

I would like to thank you for creating the Challenge deck. Isadora drew a “Greater Love” card for our family unit yesterday ...

Click here to read more. 

“Be Silent for 5 Minutes”

At first, I thought this was not a challenge for me, until I thought about it and reflected on the meaning- the "why." ...

Click here to read more.

“Send an encouraging text to someone”

My randomly drawn card for this week is, “Send an encouraging text to someone.” ...

Click here to read more.


“Share a handwritten note or card with a first responder”

Have you ever felt the Holy Spirit nudging you to do something that seemed so simple, yet left a big impact? ...

Click here to read more.