During Lent we would like to focus on the flip side of that coin. The theme for this Lent is THE HOLY MUNDANE. At Christmas we celebrated the incarnation of God, that is, God in the flesh. It's hard for us to comprehend what it really means that our God, who is so different from us, holier than us, and set apart from us, actually physically came to live as one of us. But that's exactly what happened. Jesus was and is our God in flesh. He had everything we have; bone and blood and aches and pains and joys and sorrow. He had all the physical attributes we have. That's one of the primary reasons we know God is for us, because God chose to become like us.
But Jesus isn't the only physical thing of this earth designed to remind us of God's presence. There are items, objects, and stuff that remind us who God is and who God wants us to be in our lives. The word "mundane" means of this earthly world rather than a heavenly one. But in our faith journey, we believe that the mundane has been transformed and made holy. We believe that God through Christ has imbued the ordinary with spiritual meaning and purpose.
For the six weeks of Lent we will focus on some of the objects and the stuff that help to define our faith relationship with God and the work that we do in the world. We will uphold the physical items that Jesus used to help us remember our God.
On most of the Wednesday evenings of Lent, you will receive an object. However, during three of our worship times we are asking you to consider DONATING an object. Since Lent is a time of spiritual discipline, this is an opportunity for us to share what we have with others in need. Please see the schedule below for the dates and details.
On Wednesday 4.2.2025, we will be focusing on shoes. We intend to donate these shoes to Soles for Souls. During Holy Week, we will be collecting coats on Palm Sunday, to remind us of the crowds throwing their coats on the road before Jesus. On Maundy Thursday, we remember how Jesus washed his disciples’ feet. Before he did, he tied a towel around his waist to indicate that he had become the servant. In honor of Jesus' call to servanthood, we will be donating towels.
Lent is an important time for us to be still and know God. We invite you to join us for worship and a time to remember how God uses the physical to draw us into the spiritual.
Midweek Worships
3.5.2025 Ash.
3.12.2025 Bread.
3.19.2025 Cross.
3.26.2025 Coins.
4.2.2025 Shoes - DONATED OBJECT.
4.9.2025 Oil.
Holy Week
4.13.2025 Coats - DONATED OBJECT.
4.17.2025 Towels - DONATED OBJECT.
4.18.2025 Thorns.
4.20.2025. Stones.