The objective of our men’s ministry is to equip the men of Joy in their roles as men of God, whether that is being married, single, older or younger. We seek to model the life of Christ to men through teaching, fellowship, and service.

We do this through meeting together to study God’s Word and serving others.

Men's Prayer Breakfast

We are continuing to meet the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at Bread and Butters restaurant (formerly known as the Egg and I in Parker).  We meet at 6:30 am and are usually done around 8 am.  

And all are welcome.
It’s not scary or deep…
We talk… eat breakfast… share a devotion… and raise our prayer concerns.
That’s the entire agenda.

Men at Play


We will meet only once in December on Wednesday, December 11th.


We meet the 2nd and 4thWednesdays at 9:30AM in the Youth Room (downstairs). 

Join us for coffee and conversation on November 13th & 27th Questions? Call Gary Ruthven

Men's Wednesday Evening Bible Study
Men's Bible study will also resume at 6:30PM, OCTOBER 2nd, in the AER.